Sherita Leslie Makeup + Hair

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My Story

Welcome to the first entry of my new beauty blog! I have to start off by telling you my story. This is how I began my career as a makeup artist...

Ever since I could remember I've always loved color and creating things. I love anything creative drawing, painting, decorating you name it. When I was in high school I loved doing my friends hair and makeup. So when I was high school I took up Cosmetology. I just knew I wanted to be a hair stylist. But as much as I loved hair I quickly figured out that I did not want to work in a salon.

So after high school I did something totally different. I went to work for a marketing company where I quickly moved up becoming a national trainer. I traveled all over the US and even overseas training sales offices. I was even incorporated into my own office and won several awards for having one of highest grossing offices within the company.

While the success with this company was great. I still felt like there was something missing. So after much thought I decided I wanted to be a wardrobe stylist. There was just one problem. I had no idea how to get started in my new career path. After an exhausted search I found a makeup artist who needed an assistant. I thought this would be my big chance to get my foot into the door. I would work with him and I would meet a wardrobe stylist. Finally I found my in. To my surprise while working with him I fell in love with makeup. I loved being a makeup artist more than anything that I had ever done in my life.

I was very lucky because the makeup artist I assisted was a former teacher at a makeup a school so he trained me one on one. As my thirst for knowledge grew I began to travel to take classes in Chicago,New York and LA. I wake up each day excited that I get to do something that I love. Each day is something new and different. I really believe everything that I have done in my life has prepared me to do what I am doing now.

Many times I am booked for jobs that include makeup and hair. I have also been asked to assist with wardrobe on various jobs. The business skills I learned from working at the marketing company help me each day with my business. So I really feel like I come full circle.

So that's my story. I look forward to sharing my news, day to day events, tips and tricks with all of you! Remember at the end of the day it's all about the beauty within you :)

To view my work visit my website