Goodbye to the Queen of Soul


Early in my career I worked backstage for Aretha Franklin providing makeup for her dancers. It was actually my first time working at the Ryman. It was a last a minute gig that popped up. It was a referral from one of my Detroit makeup sisters. Till this day I stay ready. So I quickly packed up my kit and headed to the Ryman. I was still so green that I was looking around like how did this chick from Haynes Manor get back stage. But back to Aretha. She was everything!!! She had a great energy when she entered the room. She was on it. So professional and respectful to everyone in the crew. Had every right to be a diva but she wasn't. This was later in her career but she still put on a great show. Also Auntie ReRe gave me a hug and thanked me for my work. It was such a great experience. She was a true Queen. She had an amazing gift and helped so many people. If anyone deserved a 6 hour dedication aka funeral it was her.



New Work with Jalen Ramsey for Eastbay and Footlocker


Headed to Venice !!